body neutral


NYC body neutral therapy

A pathway to bodily awareness and agency.

will i ever be happy with my body? will I ever achieve my body goals?

→ Do you find your first thought when you pay attention to your body to be about size or shape?

→ How much time do you spend during the day thinking about how your body doesn’t look the way you want it to?

→ Does it feel uncomfortable to be in touch with your body?

→ Do you have a lot of self-critical thoughts about your body?

→ Are you coping with regular pain or chronic frustrations with your body?

→ Do you feel at war with your body?

Therapy can help! I’m here for you, connect with me and send me a message.

so many people are coping with these same feelings.

Constantly feeling like we are coming up short when it comes to our bodies and engaging in a daily quest to change them can lead to feelings of depletion and dissociation.

Our work together

In our work together, we will learn about who you are, where some of these critical voices are coming from, and how we want to compassionately shift them. We will work to understand how these self-critical thoughts and disconnect might actually feel safe and comfortable. This work is very powerful because we observe your relationship with yourself shift from finding constant fault in yourself to a feeling of respect and sometimes even awe when you think about your body.

How do i know that it’s the right time to seek support?

  • Dissociation and disconnect from the body can be a really helpful adaptation. If the thoughts and feelings we have when we listen to our body is that it should look, feel, and act a different way, of course we don’t want to be present with our body. In therapy, we can explore how disconnection is serving you, and times when it’s not. We can support you in deciding how you want to use this adaptation moving forward.

  • my body is my home

    my body is where I live, not who I am

    my body is allowed to change

    my body deserves respect

    my body is filled with love

    my body is inherently wise

    my self-worth is not tied to my appearance

    I deserve to rest

    I will listen to my body's needs

    health is not a moral requirement

    my body is innocent

    I am more than a body

    *from The Become Project

  • Yes, very much so. We will collaborate to understand your whole self, your experiences, and all parts of you. Using a body neutrality framework is a helpful lens that we get to apply when supportive.

let’s try noticing what the body does, rather than how it looks.

We live in a world run by a beauty and wellness industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars. We are bombarded constantly with messages about how our bodies should look. The emotional and spiritual implications of this are huge. What if we looked at our bodies differently?

find healing in your relationship with your body and an increase in connection with yourself.

Body neutrality therapy with me at Laura Federico Psychotherapy can help.

To learn more about how I can help or get started with a consultation, please email me or reach out here through my contact form.

I offer virtual therapy for individuals in Brooklyn, Williamsburg, Queens, Manhattan, NYC, New York, and New York City.

223 Bedford Ave #744, Brooklyn, NY, 11221