ocd therapy

ERP new york City

ocd can feel lonely and unrelenting

sexual OCD Therapy

Evidence-based OCD therapy, Exposure and Response Prevention in NYC, helps to facilitate release from the power of intrusive thoughts and the compulsions that follow.

There are a lot of misconceptions about how OCD and some types of anxiety impact our daily lives, sexuality, and relationships. For so many, the overlap between OCD and sexuality creates a lot of shame and secrecy.

Here, we will work on releasing the shame that isn’t needed, and work towards understanding, compassion, and thoughtful, individualized interventions. There is support for sexual OCD.

Therapy can help! I’m here for you, connect with me and send me a message.

One of the ways OCD can show up for folks is with sexual intrusive thoughts. These intrusive sexual thoughts can feel quite upsetting for the person experiencing them, in particular, because they are often not what that person desires.

Quite often these sexual intrusive thoughts are the exact opposite of what that person might want.

You might notice a pressured thought to experience the feeling of sex in a certain way, or find yourself fixating on how your partner might be experiencing an aspect of sex and then checking over and over again to see how your partner seems to feel.

You may find aspects of sex and bodily fluids or touch to be difficult to tolerate, with strong desires to neutralize fluids or contaminants that feel too close to you.

It may feel deeply confusing to understand who you are attracted to, or if the relationship you are in is the “right” one.

When feeling any of the above, it’s natural to have a lot of different types of secondary feelings. These may include distress, concern, shame, secrecy, depression, anxiety, a desire to isolate, or to seek reassurance.

ocd is commonly misdiagnosed or missed all together

general assessments may fall short, especially when it comes to the intersection of ocd and sex

sexual ocd therapy takes the stigma and pain away from your thoughts and makes room for healing. support is here for you.

One of the more common ways OCD can present itself is in the form of sexual thoughts and feelings. The gold standard, evidence-based OCD intervention, ERP, or Exposure and Response Prevention, works great when applied to sexually based obsessions, intrusive thoughts, and compulsions and rituals.

Combining this with mindfulness, compassion, understanding of trauma and lived experiences, and ongoing curiosity around who you are can lead to a great deal of relief and the opportunity to take a step back from some of the deeply ingrained thought patterns that have been showing up. Recovery is absolutely possible.

how do i know it’s the right time to connect to therapy?

OCD can impact so many parts of our lives. If you are finding yourself preoccupied by these thoughts or compulsions, taking time away from what you care about, support is there for you.

If your thoughts are taking you away from the type of life you want to live, therapy is a great place to start. We will provide you a thorough assessment as we explore your symptoms together in a safe, non-judgmental, supportive environment.

I worry I don’t have the time for therapy!

So many of us are so busy! This is a totally valid worry. Therapy for sexual OCD will take into account your schedule, your capacity for sessions, and the rate at which you would like to proceed. The benefits to working through something that is taking so much away from you are plentiful. Our sessions are virtual, eliminating any commute time.

What if therapy for OCD is too hard, or too scary? What if it makes my OCD worse?

If it feels like it might be better to just try to ignore your OCD thoughts or compulsions, I totally understand. What we do know about OCD is that these types of thought patterns are most effectively resolved through exposure, rather than ways to try to neutralize. Therapy is structured and supportive, going at a pace that feels best for you. You are always a part of designing the therapy you receive, and are in the driver’s seat.

learn how to reduce fear and preoccupation and find more peace through ocd therapy in nyc

If you are struggling with sexual intrusive thoughts, feelings of fixation and fear, or feel it is impossible to stop some of your rituals, OCD therapy at Laura Federico Psychotherapy can help.

To learn more about how I can help or get started with a consultation, please email me or reach out here through my contact form.

I offer virtual OCD for individuals and couples in Brooklyn, Williamsburg, Queens, Manhattan, NYC, New York, and New York City.

223 Bedford Ave #744, Brooklyn, NY, 11221