couples therapy

nyc couples counseling

Couples Therapy NYC

Focused, compassionate treatment for your important relationship.

Is my relationship going to last? Why do I feel so lonely even though I’m with someone?

Many normal, diverse experiences can impact how our romantic and sexual relationships feel.

Some common experiences I see in my office include:

  • Jealousy

  • Infidelity

  • Opening up, non-monogamy, poly

  • Missing a feeling of passion

  • Chronic illness

  • Feeling trapped

  • Mental health challenges

  • Fertility

  • Parenthood

  • Power and kink

  • Infertility

  • Asexuality spectrum

  • Neurodivergence and sensory preferences

  • Sexual trauma

  • Gender

  • Family dynamics

  • Societal identity discrimination

  • Sexual communication

  • Orgasm

  • Questioning fertility choices

  • Confusion around desires, preferences

Therapy can help! I’m here for you, connect with me and send me a message.

Couples and marriage counseling is here to help.

Conflict, trauma, pain, and confusion can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnect in relationships. Often, our natural response is to either protect ourselves and build up a wall between our partner/s, or to engage in active problem-solving. These responses, while understandable and useful, can function to keep us away from our deep feelings and a vulnerable connection with the person most important to us.

Couples and marriage therapy in NYC is a space dedicated solely to your relationship. In our work, we will focus on a true, emotional reconnection. Couples therapy facilitates co-regulation through exercises and de-escalation of conflict.

This space creates healing, facilitates a shared journey through emotions, and provides ways for everyone in the relationship to feel seen and heard.

People learn to turn towards one another instead of away, uniting rather than fighting.

co-regulation and connection for every type of relationship

support is here for you.

It’s easy to compare our relationships to those around us and wonder where we land. We might find ourselves thinking of past relationships or what we hear from our friends and feeling alone in self-doubt. Every relationship requires work, and you are not alone.


What if I can’t convince my partner to join me in therapy?

It might feel like a challenge to get both partners in through the therapy door. That happens a lot! It can feel challenging to get all parties on board for couples therapy. Assessments of overall relationship needs might even vary significantly from person to person. That’s ok! Scheduling a free consultation is a great first step, so everyone involved can ask any questions they may have, and get a better sense of what treatment might look like.

Will we have to be in couples therapy forever?

I hear this fear a lot! People worry they won’t ever be able to stop going once they start. You are in the driver’s seat when it comes to our work together. We will explore what feels like the right timeframe and pace for you, and realistically approach your goals together. We will support you in the type of work you would like to be doing, and meet you where you are at in this moment.

I’m looking for a therapist who works with people in open relationship dynamics, or with people who are interested in opening their relationship up for the first time.

Finding the right fit therapist is a huge part of doing great therapy work. Yes, I love working with all relationship dynamics and constellations, and work frequently with people in open relationships. I have training and years of experience working with people in all types of relationships.

What about closing an open relationship, or closing it for a brief period of time? What about working with a relationship in which one person wants to open things up but the other doesn’t? What about group relationship dynamics? Is this an area you have experience in?

Absolutely, and all relationships, no matter the dynamic, look different at different moments in time. I am here to meet you where you and your partner/s are at this moment in time. We will work together to define what you want that to look like, and create a pathway of support to get you there.


I work with people in all relationship constellations. I believe every relationship has important strengths to celebrate, and I am deeply curious about the unique nature of your connection with your partner.

As we define your therapy goals, we will all work together to create supportive practice in between sessions. We will work at the pace that feels best for everyone.

We will use a variety of techniques including mindfulness, somatic exercises or sensate focus to work towards a mutual understanding and connection, and you will spend a great deal of the session talking not to me, but to your partner.

I love watching couples find new ways to truly see their partners and rediscover their respect for their bond.

Find peace and connection in your relationship through compassionate and supportive couples therapy.

Couples and marriage counseling with me at Laura Federico Psychotherapy can help.

To learn more about how I can help or get started with a consultation, please email me or reach out here through my contact form.

I offer virtual couples and marriage therapy in Brooklyn, Westchester, Amagansett, Kingston, Williamsburg, Rye, Queens, Manhattan, NYC, New York, Hudson Valley, and New York City.

223 Bedford Ave #744, Brooklyn, NY 11221